Appointments and Promotions

Appointments and promotions of staff grade officers in the province are done by the SPPSC according to the service minutes/ Scheme of recruitments.
Appointments & other services
Appointments to the vacancies in departmental staff grade posts in southern province are filled by the SPPSC through open or limited competitive examinations/structured interviews in accordance with the approved service minutes/ scheme of Recruitments (Applications are called through newspaper advertisements. Details are under the “news and Announcements” in this site)
  • Confirmation in service
  • Termination of service
  • Reversion to former post
  • Appointments on acting/ Attending to duties basis
  • Extension of service beyond 57 years of age
  • Resignation/ Vacation of post.
Promotions of staff grade officers in the province in accordance with the approved service minutes and scheme of Recruitment
Necessary documents to perform the service (promotions)
  1. Personal File
  2. Letter of appointment
  3. Letter of confirmation in appointment
  4.  Letters to certify passing of / exemption from the efficiency Bar Examination of the relevant segment
  5. Letter to certify passing of / exemption from first departmental test (if applicable).
  6.  Performance Appraisal forms & Increment forms (checking of the period of satisfactory service)
  7. Recommendation of the Head of Institution
  8.  Recommendation of the Head of Department
  9. Recommendation of the Secretary to the Ministry / Chief Secretary


The optional/ compulsory and medical grounds retirements of staff grade officers in the province is done by the SPPSC

Necessary documents to perform the service
  1. Claim of the officers/ Application form
  2. Report to certify whether any disciplinary action is pending.
  3. Report on payments due to the government
  4. Letter of absorption to the Southern Provincial Public Service
  5. Section relating to the Retirement
  6. Medical Reports (if applicable)
  7. Recommendation of the Head of Institution
  8. Recommendation of the Head of Department
  9.  Recommendation of the Secretary to the Ministry / Chief Secretary      
Officers (in all services) are absorbed to the Southern Provincial Public Service with the establishment of Provincial Councils with effect from 01.01.1990
Necessary documents to perform the service
  1. Application for absorption to the Southern Provincial Public Service should have been completed in accordance with the Personal file.
  2. Letters which indicate the date of reporting to the Southern Provincial Public Service and the post.
  3. Recommendation of the Head of Institution
  4. Recommendation of the Head of Department
  5.   Recommendation of the Secretary to the Ministry / Chief Secretary. 
Transfers granted between provinces on the request of officers of the Southern Provincial Council, other provinces and central Government.
Necessary documents for performance of the service
  1. Application duly perfected
  2. Report to certify if there is any disciplinary action against the officer
  3. Report to certify whether the officer is being permanent in the post
  4. Recommendation of the Head of Institution
  5. Recommendation of the Head of Department
  6. Recommendation of the Secretary to the Ministry / Chief Secretary.
  7. If it is a mutual transfer, consent letters of officers
Examinations hold by SPPSC
  1. Examinations to recruit persons to Southern Provincial Council. (Departmental Staff & Non Staff Grades)
  2. Efficiency bar examinations
  3. Promotion Examinations

Applications are called for open/ limited competitive examinations for Recruitment through newspaper advertisements and for efficiency bar / promotion examinations through circulars

Examination notification and the application can be downloaded from this site.